
The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Family – And Yourself – Is to Create and Share Your Own Life Story

During the last few weeks of my mother’s life, I spent as much time as I could at her side.

At one point, I asked her to tell me some stories about her life when she was younger, before she married my father.

Create an enduring legacy you can enjoy with your family and friends.

When people talk about legacy, it’s often about physical assets… like money, property, or a family business.

While physical assets are important, there’s another kind of legacy that has a far more lasting value… the stories we share, the wisdom we pass on, and the memories we leave for those we love.

An inquisitive granddaughter is unlikely to ask, “Grandma, can you tell me about your stocks and bonds?

She’s far more likely to ask something like, “Grandma, what was school like when you were my age? Did you have a favorite subject?” Or, “What did you want to be when you grew up?

The trouble is, we generally don’t share our life stories unless we’re prodded by an inquisitive grandchild.

But what if we did? What if we put together our full life story… packed with memories, anecdotes, lessons learned, adventures enjoyed, and advice for our children, grandchildren and beyond?

“My mother had been telling us she was working on something, and we didn’t think too much about it, because she was always doing little projects to keep busy. But when we saw her finished story we were amazed… we learned so much about her and her life that we didn’t know. We gained a new appreciation for her because of some struggles she had kept quiet for so many years. I consider her story a cherished possession and refer to it often, especially now that she’s gone.” Paul H.

One of the most rewarding parts of telling your life story is the process of putting it together… with the help of family and friends.

You’ll be digging through old photo albums, and boxes of letters and postcards.

You’ll be calling old friends and picking their brains for shared memories.

You’ll be talking to other family members. Maybe even revisiting places that meant a lot to you when you were younger. Road trip!

This becomes a shared journey into the past.

The day you decide to write and share your life story, the real fun begins.

You’ll also be spending some quiet time, reflecting on your life so far. Using the Prompting Guide included with this course, you’ll uncover all kinds of memories. Many of these you’ll want to share with others. A few of them you might want to contemplate on your own, keeping them private.

The point being, this is a process of personal re-discovery.

And it can be a deeply enjoyable and meaningful journey, for yourself, and for those closest to you.

Get this course for yourself, or to capture the life story of your mom, dad or grandparent.

You don’t have to be a “senior” to share your life story. I have a friend in his early 50s who wrote a wonderful account of his life so far, packed with wisdom and advice for his children.

That was part of his WHY… he wanted to teach his children some of the life lessons he had learned himself, the hard way.

And you don’t even have to get this course for yourself. You can use it to help your mom, dad, or grandparent share their own life stories.

Just like Evan did…

“Recently my mother died of Alzheimer’s. About a year and a half ago, before my mother’s memories were totally gone, my son Evan came to my mom’s bedside with a recorder and interviewed her. He asked all sort of questions about her youth in China, her travels to Australia and then Canada, her friends, meeting my father, and more.

Though she couldn’t recount everything at this later phase of Alzheimer’s, having this interview available to our family and those to follow is invaluable. We’re incredibly grateful to have been able to collect so many of her memories while we still could.”  Bob L.

Enroll in our course and we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the whole process, from beginning to end. We’ll help you decide on what to include in your story, how to put it together, and how and where to publish it.

In other words, while telling your life story is a big project, we make it easy for you, step by step.

What’s included in this course?

This is a self-paced, step-by-step course, comprising 9 video sessions, each accompanied by its own Worksheet to help keep you on track.

  • Session 1: We explore WHY you want to share your story… What’s your true motivation? When you nail the answer to that question, everything else will begin to fall into place.
  • Session 2: We look at WHO you want to create this for. A story told just for your kids is going to be very different from a story you want to share with the whole world.

  • Session 3: We explore several online tools to help you organize all the information you collect for your life story. If you skip this part, you’ll end up with a crazy big mess that won’t make sense to anyone.
  • Session 4: We go through 9 different sources of information from your past. We’ll explore everything from going through old letters and postcards, to reconnecting and talking with old friends from way back. Picture yourself flipping through old photo albums, finding a long-lost memory captured from decades before, and then calling a brother or sister to tell them about it.
  • Session 5: It’s time to bring some structure to that huge pile of information. How you structure your story will depend on the type of story you’re telling, and who is going to read it. My own favorite is the Push Pin structure… where you put a pin in the dates of events and decisions that had a major impact on the direction of your life.
  • Session 6: Now we bring your story to life! This is where we turn you into an expert storyteller. Imagine you’re writing the script for a blockbuster Hollywood movie… but in this movie you’re the star!
  • Session 7: How and where do you want to publish your story? As a traditional book? A digital book? A photobook or binder? A collection of video interviews? A website? This is a big decision, and we’ll help you get it right.
  • Session 8: It’s bucket list time. When you’re researching your life story, you may find yourself writing out a wish list of things you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t got around to. Skydiving? Alaskan Cruise? Learning Italian? Taking watercolor classes? Going back to school? In other words… your life story isn’t over yet. It includes your future too. So let’s create that bucket list.
  • Session 9: This is the wrap up, summary session. But more like a pre-flight check! We’ll go through all the steps in the process one more time. Check all those boxes, and commit to a timeline that’s works for you.

Give yourself a clear deadline, so you don’t ever let the project slow down and come to a halt.

BONUS #1: Start Guide

Your Starter Guide gives you an overview of the entire Life Story creation process. It’s like a road map… showing you the start point, finish line and waypoints along the way.

Keep this guide at your side, refer to it frequently, and you’ll never lose sight of where you are on your journey.

BONUS #2: 52 Powerful Prompts

There is so much in our past that we simply forget about. So many details, special moments, precious memories. These 52 prompts are designed to spark your memory, encourage reflection, and inspire you to start writing.

This guide is broken into sections, focused on your childhood, school years, family life, career, adventures, and more,

BONUS #3: Life Story Vision Board

If you are a visual person, a Vision Board is a great way to “see” your whole life story project in one place. A vision board is more than just a collage… it’s a motivational tool and a visual representation of your legacy goals. Super useful!

Get started with you own Vision Board the day you start this course, and you’ll see it evolving and becoming clearer as you progress from session to session.

Remember, your life story is a priceless gift that will enrich and guide your family for generations to come!

This course is for anyone who feels inspired to reflect, to preserve, and to share their life’s journey.

It’s for those who want to leave behind a legacy of wisdom, love, and connection for their family, and future generations.

It’s a way to guide future generations with the values and principles you hold most dear.

Enroll today, and know you’re protected by our No-Questions-Asked 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.