Writing your life story can feel overwhelming at first. Where do you start? What if you don’t remember everything? How do you turn a lifetime of experiences into a compelling narrative?
The good news is, you don’t have to write your entire story in one go. The key is to start small—one memory, one moment, one lesson at a time. Writing prompts are a fantastic way to spark memories, unlock emotions, and ease into the process of storytelling.
Below, you’ll find 10 powerful prompts that will help you start writing your life story today. Each one is designed to draw out vivid details, emotions, and reflections—helping you craft a story that feels rich and meaningful.
1. What is your earliest memory?
The best place to begin is at the beginning. Your earliest memory may be a fleeting moment, a smell, a sound, or a feeling. Don’t worry about whether the details are perfect—focus on the emotions and sensations you recall.
Try this:
- Where were you?
- Who was with you?
- What colors, sounds, or textures stand out?
- Why do you think this memory has stuck with you?
💡 Example: I was three years old, sitting on the floor of my grandmother’s kitchen. The smell of cinnamon filled the air as she made apple pie. I remember the warmth of the oven, the scratchy feel of her apron against my cheek when she hugged me, and the way she hummed as she worked.
2. Describe a time when you felt truly happy.
Joyful moments make for great stories. Think of a time when you felt pure happiness—whether it was a grand event or a small, simple moment.
Try this:
- What was happening?
- What made this moment special?
- Were you with anyone? How did they contribute to the joy?
- How do you feel when you look back on this memory?
💡 Example: The day my daughter was born, the world seemed to stand still. I remember holding her tiny hand, feeling an overwhelming mix of love, responsibility, and joy. My heart had never felt so full.
3. Write about a challenge you faced and how you overcame it.
Some of the most powerful stories come from times of struggle. Reflect on a moment when you faced adversity, made a tough decision, or learned a hard lesson.
Try this:
- What was the challenge?
- How did you feel during that time?
- What steps did you take to overcome it?
- What did you learn about yourself?
💡 Example: When I lost my job unexpectedly, I felt like my world had collapsed. I had bills to pay and a family to support. Instead of panicking, I used it as a chance to reinvent myself. I took online courses, networked, and eventually started my own business. Looking back, it was one of the best things that ever happened to me.
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4. Who has had the greatest influence on your life?
The people we meet along the way shape our journey. Think about someone—a parent, teacher, mentor, or friend—who had a lasting impact on you.
Try this:
- Who was this person?
- How did they influence your life?
- What lessons did they teach you?
- If you could say one thing to them now, what would it be?
💡 Example: My high school English teacher, Mr. Evans, changed my life. He was the first person who told me I had a talent for writing. His encouragement gave me the confidence to pursue a career in storytelling.
5. What is a decision that changed the course of your life?
Life is full of turning points. Think of a decision—big or small—that had a major impact on where you are today.
Try this:
- What was the decision?
- What were the risks or doubts you had?
- What happened as a result?
- How would your life be different if you had chosen another path?
💡 Example: I had two job offers—one in my hometown and one in a city I’d never been to. I chose the adventure, moving 1,000 miles away. It was terrifying at first, but it led me to new opportunities, lifelong friends, and ultimately, my spouse.
6. Describe a place that holds special meaning for you.
Some places become a part of us. Maybe it’s your childhood home, a vacation spot, or a park where you spent hours daydreaming.
Try this:
- Where is this place?
- What memories are tied to it?
- What sights, sounds, and smells come to mind?
- How does this place make you feel today?
💡 Example: The beach near my childhood home was my sanctuary. The salty breeze, the sound of waves crashing, and the feeling of sand between my toes still bring me a sense of peace.
7. Share a funny or embarrassing moment.
Laughter is a great way to connect with others. Think of a moment that still makes you chuckle (or cringe).
Try this:
- What happened?
- How did you react at the time?
- How do you see it now—was there a lesson in it?
- Has this story become one you tell often?
💡 Example: I once walked into a glass door at a crowded café. I was texting and didn’t see it. The loud thud and my stunned expression had everyone laughing—including me, eventually!
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8. What advice would you give your younger self?
If you could go back in time and talk to a younger version of yourself, what wisdom would you share?
Try this:
- What age would you visit?
- What challenges were you facing then?
- What do you wish you had known?
- How would your younger self react to your advice?
💡 Example: To my 18-year-old self: Stop worrying so much about what people think. The things that seem huge now—grades, popularity, fitting in—won’t matter as much as you think. Focus on what makes you happy.
9. Describe a tradition that’s important to you.
Family traditions, holiday celebrations, or even personal rituals often hold deep meaning.
Try this:
- What is the tradition?
- How did it start?
- How has it changed over time?
- Why is it special to you?
💡 Example: Every Thanksgiving, my family plays a game of flag football before dinner. It started as a small tradition, but now cousins, aunts, and uncles all join in. It’s my favorite part of the holiday.
10. What legacy do you want to leave behind?
One of the most important questions we can ask ourselves is: What impact do we want to have on the world?
Try this:
- How do you want to be remembered?
- What values or lessons do you hope to pass on?
- What do you want people to say about you?
- What steps are you taking to build that legacy?
💡 Example: I want to be remembered as someone who was kind, who listened, and who made people feel valued. I hope my stories, my laughter, and my love live on through my family.
Final Thoughts: Start Your Life Story Today
Your life is filled with incredible stories waiting to be told. Don’t let the fear of writing hold you back—just start with one prompt, and see where it leads you.
Also, when you enroll in the Your Awesome Life Story course, you’ll get immediate access to a bonus guide than gives you 52 different prompts to work with.
💡 Ready to start? Download your FREE copy of the Life Story Discovery Guide…
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